
Sunday, August 21, 2016

Open Your Mouth 7.10.16

Maupay  nag aga!! Good morning!   It is beautifully overcast here in the Philippines...rainy season is upon us. Hallelujah, I think I made it through the worst of the heat without melting like a Popsicle.  

One cool experience I had this week ended up being a desperate answer to someone's prayer. God has a plan. My companion and I get on this bus to go home from Tacloban, and I stick my bags on the top shelf. The whole time during the ride, I'm thinking to myself, "Do NOT forget the bags before you get off this bus". 

....what did I end up doing? I forgot the bags when I got off the bus. Do you know what was in those bags? Everything. We had just come back from exchanges with the sisters and I had my whole life in those bags. I realized what I had done as soon as the bus had rounded the corner and out of sight. 

We knew where the bus was going, so we hurried and called a member who has a jeepney if he could take us to the next town over and catch the bus. The amazing man drove quickly over, and we hunted down the bus. The whole time on the bus I was praying hahaha. I promised Heavenly Father that if we found the bus and I was able to get my bags back, I would OYM (Open Your Mouth) everyone on the bus. In short, OYM means you introduce yourself and share a short message about the gospel and give them a handout. 

Thank you Heavenly Father! We found the bus, and I OYMed all the people on board hahaha. Luckily they didn't even realize I had left the bags or someone might have taken them. We left and the member drove us back home in the jeepney. Missionaries are not allowed to hand out money to anyone, but we always pay jeepney drivers so we figured this was the same thing. We gave him a little extra for his urgency in helping us. 

The next Sunday, this member bore his testimony. And he cried. He didn't say it flat out in front of the congregation, but from what we heard we found that the money we gave him was a desperate answer to his prayers. His family was struggling to put food on the table. And even with his struggles and the price of gas, he didn't hesitate in helping us that night. Haha, I think Heavenly Father made me forget those bags so that we could help that man as he was helping us. Miracles all around! I love being a missionary!

Transfers are this week and we don't know what's gonna happen. There's a big chance Sister Matautia and I could transfer. We find out later today! 

I love being a missionary. The more you submerse yourself in the gospel, the more you love it:)

Love you all so much! I pray for you all all the time!

Sending hugs and loves!

Love Sister Russon

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